Query Reviews (part 2): pt-query-digest

Query reviews (part 1): Overview

The 1st post in the series gave an overview of what a query review is and the value they can bring you. So now let’s talk about how one is done, specifically, how to do a query review using pt-query-digest.

The point of a query review is that it is a comprehensive review of queries. Imagine if you could get a list of all queries that run on your system, and then you systematically looked at each query to determine if it is optimized. That is the basic concept behind a query review.

So, how do you get a list of queries?

pt-query-digest can use a slow query log, binary log, general log or tcpdump. I usually use a slow query log with long_query_time set to 0, so I can capture all the successful queries and their timings. If this is too much overhead, consider using Percona Server’s log_slow_rate_limit and log_slow_rate_type parameters to only log every nth session/query. This means that if you have 5000 queries per second, you can set the slow logging rate to every 100th query, and reduce the write overhead for the slow query log to 50 queries per second (instead of all 5000 queries).

So you have your log, now what? Well, we need to process it. The –type option is where you set what your log type is (binlog, genlog, slowlog, tcpdump). Default is slowlog.

By default, pt-query-digest will give you a report of the top 95% worst queries. You can change that with the –limit parameter – note that –limit just limits the output; pt-query-digest still processes all the queries in the log file. If –limit is followed by an integer, it will limit the output to the top X queries; if it’s followed by a percentage (e.g. 10%) it will output the top percentage of queries.

As this is a query review of all queries, we will want to set the limit to 100%.

There are a lot of other options that pt-query-digest has, but many of them are there so we can distill and get queries that meet a certain criteria. The point of a query review is to look at ALL queries, so we do not need to use those options.

In fact, the only other options we need are related to the review itself. Because a review is systematic, we need a place to store information related to the review. How about a database for that? In fact, pt-query-digest has a –review option that takes parameters to store the information into a table.

Here is the command I recently used to start a query review. It was run from the shell commandline, and I used –no-report because I did not want anything other than the table and its rows created:
[sheeri.cabral@localhost]$ pt-query-digest --no-report --type slowlog --limit 100% --review h=localhost,u=sheeri.cabral,D=test,t=query_review --create-review-table --ask-pass mysql_slow.log

You can see that –review has a number of arguments, comma-separated, to identify a table on a host to put the queries into. I used the –create-review-table flag to create the table, since it did not already exist, and –ask-pass because I do not type in passwords in a shell command.

pt-query-digest then spends some time analyzing the file then creating and populating the table. Here’s a sample row in the table:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
checksum: 11038208160389475830
fingerprint: show global status like ?
sample: show global status like ‘innodb_deadlocks’
first_seen: 2017-06-03 11:20:59
last_seen: 2017-06-03 11:32:15
reviewed_by: NULL
reviewed_on: NULL
comments: NULL

The checksum and fingerprint are ways to make the query portable, no matter what values are used. The fingerprint takes out all the differences among iterations of the query, and puts ? in its place. So if you have a query that’s used over and over, like
SELECT first_name FROM customers WHERE id in (1,2,3)
the fingerprint would look like
SELECT first_name FROM customers WHERE id in (?+)

The sample provides a way for us to copy and paste into an EXPLAIN (or my favorite, EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON) statement, so that we can assess the query.

So then we can go through the process of optimizing the query. In the end, this query has nothing to tweak to optimize, so I update the reviewed_on date, the reviewed_by person, and the comments:

mysql> UPDATE test.query_review set reviewed_on=NOW(), reviewed_by='sheeri.cabral', comments='no mechanism to optimize' WHERE checksum=11038208160389475830;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

On to the next query – we shall get the next query that has not yet been reviewed:
mysql> select * from test.query_review where reviewed_on is null limit 1\G

If you have already done some query reviews, your WHERE clause may look something like where reviewed_on is null OR reviewed_on < NOW()-interval 6 month.

And then look at that query for optimization. Lather, rinse, repeat. This is a GREAT way to get familiar with how developers (and ORMs) are writing queries.

Some tricks and tips – first take a look at all the queries less than 50 characters or so – you can easily update those to be all set to reviewed, with whatever message you want.
mysql> select fingerprint from query_review where length(sample)<50;
| fingerprint |
| administrator command: Ping |
| set session `wait_timeout` = ? |
| show tables |
| rollback |
| select * from information_schema.processlist |
| select @@session.tx_isolation |
| show status |
| start transaction |
| select user() |
| show query_response_time |
| set autocommit=? |
| show full processlist |
| show databases |
| administrator command: Statistics |
| show plugins |
| show slave status |
| commit |
| set names ? |
| show global status like ? |
| administrator command: Quit |
| show /*!? global */ status |
| set names utf? |
| select @@version_comment limit ? |
| show engine innodb status |
| select database() |
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

One great feature is that you can add columns to the table. For example, maybe you want to add an “indexes” column to the table, and list the index or indexes used. Then after the query review is complete, you can look at all the indexes in use, and see if there is an index defined in a table that is NOT in use.

You can review all the queries and run a query review every 6 months or every year, to look at any new queries that have popped up, or queries that have been removed (note first_seen and last_seen in the table).

You can also see how the query performance changed over time using the –history flag to pt-query-digest, which can populate a table with statistics about each query. But that is a topic for another post!

Query reviews are excellent ways to look comprehensively at your queries, instead of just the “top 10” slow, locking, most frequent, etc. queries. The EXPLAINing is long and slow work but the results are worth it!

Proactive MySQL: Query Reviews (part 1, overview)

Query Reviews part 2: pt-query-digest

One task that can really help reduce future problems is to do a periodic query review. I’ve been using pt-query-digest to do this since 2010 (back when it was part of Ma’atkit, mk-query-digest!), and while I have presented the idea several times at conferences, I have never blogged about it.

I am going to share a secret with you – I blog not just to share information with YOU, but to share information with ME. Future me. This comes up because I am working on a query review at Salesforce.com for one of our busiest shards. I went to go look up a blog post on using pt-query-digest, because it’s a handy cheat sheet….and….I never did it. So, here goes!

This is the first blog post in what will be a series of blog posts, because it is a long topic and there are a few tools that can be used these days for analysis.

What is a query review?
At its simplest, it’s a review of queries. In this context, a query review is where you proactively review the performance of ALL successful queries sent to a server.

Why should you do a query review?
A query review can find possibly problematic queries BEFORE they are a problem. As an example, you can easily find queries that do not use an index, and make indexes before the tables become so large that they have problems.

Another example is the case when you have a query that does the same thing over and over, many times per second – for example, a query that counts the sessions table every time a user hits the page, to say “x people online now”. That query could be rewritten to not do a count every time – maybe do a count once every minute or 5 minutes and put inside a “user count” table, and then each page hit queries that table. Or use an intermediate cache.

Another reason to do a query review is that sometimes a sample query is difficult to find.

Who should do a query review?
A query review is not for a junior DBA. You need to have some knowledge of how to optimize queries, how indexing works, when an index is valuable, and when an index is necessary. For example, a query not using an index on a text field in the “countries” table is much better than a query not using an index on an integer in the “customer” table, because countries won’t grow to be huge but hopefully your customers table will.

What does a query review look like?
Necessary for a query review is gathering “all” queries. This can be done in many ways:

  • general log – logs all queries when they are sent to the server
    • Pros
    • Built into all versions and forks of MySQL.
    • Gets ALL queries sent to the server, even ones that have an error. You can see if there are lots of queries with syntax errors, which can help find code/ORM bugs.
    • Gets ALL attempted logins, even if they fail, so it’s useful for a security/technical debt.
    • You can turn it on dynamically since….MySQL 5.1 (I think? at any rate, probably your version has it dynamic)
    • MySQL overhead
    • Cons
    • because the logging happens when they are sent, there is no indication if the query completed successfully, or how long the query took.
    • Write intensive to disk
    • Grows at a large rate
  • slow query log with long_query_time turned to 0 – gets all *successful* queries
    • Pros
    • Built into all versions and forks of MySQL.
    • Can be turned on dynamically (since, I think, MySQL 5.1, same as general log).
    • Gets lots of information, including lock timing, query execution timing, rows returned, whether the query was successful or not.
    • Cons
    • Does not get ALL attempted queries – only gets some errors (e.g., not syntax errors)
    • Does not get failed logins
    • Write intensive to disk
    • Grows at a large rate
    • MySQL overhead
  • tcpdump and other traffic sniffers (wireshark, built-in sniffers to programs like MONyog, etc)
    • Pros
    • Built into every platform
    • Gets all MySQL traffic, including attempted logins and queries with syntax errors
    • Gets information like execution time, users and hosts.
    • No additional MySQL overhead
    • Cons
    • Must be root to run tcpdump
    • Write intensive to disk
    • Grows at a large rate
  • PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, pt-query-digest –processlist, proxies, audit logs

Well, that’s a lot of words for one blog post, so I’ll end part 1: overview here. Future posts in the series will cover how to use the tools to do a query review.