Percona Live Has No Code of Conduct

I am not at Percona Live this week because I opted to stay home after a crazy year of travel (41 talks in 11 different countries on 3 continents in the past year). However, I realized today that Percona Live … Continue reading

I am not at Percona Live this week because I opted to stay home after a crazy year of travel (41 talks in 11 different countries on 3 continents in the past year). However, I realized today that Percona Live has no Code of Conduct.

I will not be attending any Percona Live events until there is an acceptable Code of Conduct. MySQL is the worlds most popular open source database; the community deserves a Code of Conduct.

ETA: I have contacted Kortney, the conference organizer for Percona Live, and asked for a Code of Conduct to be put in place ASAP.

ETA: If you want to know why this is an issue, see

ETA: This is my personal statement, and not a statement of what any of my Mozilla colleagues may feel. Other colleagues, including employees under me, may choose to attend or even present at any events they wish. I personally do not feel comfortable at a conference with no Code of Conduct, this is not a reflection on the technical merits of any conference.